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Ultraspec Medical
Ultraspec Retractor, Sidewall Retractor, 4 blade speculum
Ultraspec Retractor

Ultraspec Sidewall Retractor 

For a clear, unobstructed view of the cervix area during speculum procedures

Ultraspec Retractor

Medical professionals report increasing incidences of vaginal side-wall prolapse as obesity increases. This restricts visibility and access, increases the number of general anaesthetic referrals and slows down procedures.


The Ultraspec Retractor Solution:

The new Retractor is a cost-effective, four-blade speculum for overcoming anterior vaginal wall laxity to ensure maximum visibility during the procedure. By simply inserting a vaginal side-wall Retractor into an Ultraspec® Speculum, the vaginal side-walls are gently displaced laterally and a clear view of the cervix is created.

Ultraspec® Retractor
Ultraspec® Retractor Ultraspec® Retractor Ultraspec® Retractor Ultraspec® Retractor




Free single-use Retractor included in cartons of Medium / Long-Large Ultraspec Speculum.

Product Units Product Code NHS Code
Speculum Med. M478 20 3SUMPKC FGR440
Speculum Long-Large. M479 20 3SULPKC FGR441


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Did you know:

A referral for a hospital smear under general anaesthetic costs in the region of £300-£500

Cost Saving
Use one speculum for inspection and treatment.

Unobstructed view of cervix
Fewer patients need to undergo treatment under a general anaesthetic.

Time Saving
Simply insert a second instrument instead of aborting the procedure.

Patient Protection
100% insulated for safety. Can reduce the incidence of inadvertent/painful side-wall burns during LLETZ procedures.